Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Rajnath v2.0

Some quick thoughts on the denial of second term to Gadkari and the installation of Rajnath v2.0 as the President of BJP

  • Rajnath v2.0 might not be a great choice, but he is always a better choice than Nitin Gadkari.
  • Now the declaration of NaMo as the prime ministerial candidate becomes all the more plausible.
  • BJP supporters on Social media must be congratulated for keeping constant pressure on D4 of the BJP and stopping them from nominating Gadkari for a second term.
  • NaMo must take efforts to set things right in Karnataka.
more to follow later.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

When wards excel

Believe me, your joy will have no bounds when you watch your ward(s)
excel in fields that you, were never good at! This is exactly what I
felt during this course of this race!

Leads from the start
Extends his lead

Finishes miles before the rest