Showing posts with label Devil's Advocate. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Devil's Advocate. Show all posts

Monday, September 22, 2008

Kapil Sibal and his mindless rantings.....

Karan Thapar has every now then brought out how pathetic our politicians really are...The latest among his list is Kapil Sibal. The following is the text of Devli's Advocate interview with Kapil Sibal. Where the minister claims that the UPA govt has been more successful in combating terror than any of the previous governments!!! The aam aadmi might be wondering how can a minister claim such blatant lies in front of the media, when every citizen of India knows the truth. Guess what the minister had as a proof of his claim.


"Quite frankly, if you look at facts and numbers, the record of the UPA Government“"in terms of terror“"has been much better than the previous governments. There were more civilian deaths in the previous government: between 1999 and 2003 there were over 4,000 deaths - Kapil Sibal"


I now wonder, how could such an a$£$£%le even become a minister. As per Kapil's statement, as long as the number of people to have died during the UPA's rule is considerably lower than the number of people to die during the previous Government, their performance in the battle against terror is great. Its a real shame, is this a Cricket Match??? are we keeping scores on the number of people to have died to measure the performance of the Govt??? This is ridiculous!!!!

The minister is least bothered about the number of innocent people being killed, how could he possibily think of giveing such a reason. Its a serious insult to the people who have lost their lives to such cowardly acts by the Cowards!!!! And politicians like Kapil Sibal are making use of the number people to have died to claim their position as a minister. Kapil Sibal should have felt apologetic and someone within the UPA must have owned up responsibility.

To all families who have lost a kith of kin in any of the terrorists attacks over the past years, I can assure you that there are many nationalists like me in our Country whose heart reaches out to you. We nationalists apologise to you for the these mindless rantings by our SICKULAR Govt. UPA ministers have long lost any credibility in representing the aam aadmi or for that matter any citizen of India. God save our Motherland from the cowards (aka terrorists) and these SICK politicians!!!