Ajmal Kasab one of the terrorists caught during 26/11 attack on Mumbai was hanged this morning at 7:30 am IST. The execution was carried out after nearly 4 years of the attack on Mumbai. Earlier this week Kasab's mercy petition was rejected by President Pranab. Immediately after the news of Kasab's hanging came through news channels started to praise President Pranab of showing resolve. News channels also reported Mr. Salman Khurshid saying that the Govt of India has sent a strong message to terrorists by hanging the terrorist.
Keeping the adjectives aside. I really can't understand the stance of news channels when they say that President Pranab showed bravery. What is the bravery is rejecting a mercy petition? An act of bravery was shown by the people who caught Kasab and also by the numerous armed forces who fought the terrorists during the 26/11 attack. Just rejecting a mercy petition is no act of bravery!! There was no other choice, the public perception on the delay of the justice to the victims of 26/11 was quite strong and the hanging of Kasab should have happened quite soon.
On 13th December 2001, 5 gunmen infiltrated the heart of Indian democracy (The Parliament). The attack led to the death of a dozen people, including one civilian. In the investigations that followed Afzal Guru was found guilty was sentenced to death. It is nearly 11 years since the attack on the Indian Parliament, but Afzal Guru is yet to be hanged. Be it the earlier President or the incumbent one, none have taken a decision on rejecting his mercy petition.
In my opinion, the only reason for the difference in the treatment of these two terrorists are that one is an Indian while the other is a Pakistani. The hanging of a Pakistani terrorist wouldn't upset the vote-bank, while the hanging of the Indian terrorist would seriously affect the vote-bank. Thus, the Country cannot expect Afzal Guru to be hanged anytime soon. The only message UPA has sent out on hanging Kasab is that only those who do not have political support will be hanged!!
Keeping the adjectives aside. I really can't understand the stance of news channels when they say that President Pranab showed bravery. What is the bravery is rejecting a mercy petition? An act of bravery was shown by the people who caught Kasab and also by the numerous armed forces who fought the terrorists during the 26/11 attack. Just rejecting a mercy petition is no act of bravery!! There was no other choice, the public perception on the delay of the justice to the victims of 26/11 was quite strong and the hanging of Kasab should have happened quite soon.
On 13th December 2001, 5 gunmen infiltrated the heart of Indian democracy (The Parliament). The attack led to the death of a dozen people, including one civilian. In the investigations that followed Afzal Guru was found guilty was sentenced to death. It is nearly 11 years since the attack on the Indian Parliament, but Afzal Guru is yet to be hanged. Be it the earlier President or the incumbent one, none have taken a decision on rejecting his mercy petition.
In my opinion, the only reason for the difference in the treatment of these two terrorists are that one is an Indian while the other is a Pakistani. The hanging of a Pakistani terrorist wouldn't upset the vote-bank, while the hanging of the Indian terrorist would seriously affect the vote-bank. Thus, the Country cannot expect Afzal Guru to be hanged anytime soon. The only message UPA has sent out on hanging Kasab is that only those who do not have political support will be hanged!!