Friday, July 11, 2014

Lament of a confused mind!

It was just a prose
were the words you chose!
All the water of the oceans, sprayed with a hose
Alas, the fire caused still couldn't be doused!

I ought have been stupid
to think my intentions were lucid,
Even with the help of a druid
How could I reshape a stone as if it were a fluid!!

Wonder whether all this is for fun?
or you just wanted me stunned?
There I go roaming nomadic as a hun,
believing a plausible story you've spun!

I still believe these all to be an assumption,
that I arrived at, using a flawed Holmesian deduction!
Wish I could win a temporary injunction
before there is a severe destruction!!

Amidst the trees of lament and woe,
reading the signs that advise me to let go,
Wondering if I should join the flow
or do I risk another below the belt blow??