Showing posts with label Lament. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lament. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Once bitten, twice shy

Once bitten, twice shy.
Twice bitten, must never try!
Thrice bitten, must go and die!
Still I'vent learnt, I wonder why??

Maybe its just my brain,
which has gone insane!
When I don't abstain
from taking the same old lane!

Is it hope?
or am I on dope?
to think that I can cope
this drift down the slope??

Someday I will anchor
and fight away this rancor!
Despite being infected with canker
But the thought will still hanker!!

Un-awakeable Dream

Sneaked upon me when I least expected
got smitten by the art you've now perfected!
Do you know how big a dream you've erected?
But I know I will stand dejected!!

I'm stuck in a dream from which I can't awake
But dreaming of you, makes my heart ache!
I am no John Milton or William Blake,
to use words and melt objects opaque!

To dream on is sheer madness!
But to awake would mean, drown in sadness!
You may call this attitude callous
But you haven't beholden my dream Alas!!

There are ones that some can't forget
While for others there are ones that you can't get!
The ill-fortune to experience both is mine, you bet!
Not a night passes by (or is allowed to pass by) in this sweat!!

(to be continued....)

Friday, July 11, 2014

Lament of a confused mind!

It was just a prose
were the words you chose!
All the water of the oceans, sprayed with a hose
Alas, the fire caused still couldn't be doused!

I ought have been stupid
to think my intentions were lucid,
Even with the help of a druid
How could I reshape a stone as if it were a fluid!!

Wonder whether all this is for fun?
or you just wanted me stunned?
There I go roaming nomadic as a hun,
believing a plausible story you've spun!

I still believe these all to be an assumption,
that I arrived at, using a flawed Holmesian deduction!
Wish I could win a temporary injunction
before there is a severe destruction!!

Amidst the trees of lament and woe,
reading the signs that advise me to let go,
Wondering if I should join the flow
or do I risk another below the belt blow??