Kendriya Vidyalaya - The next target of UPA
I was about to blog about my second day trip to Cotswold, but then this news article on the web caught my eye and I was instantly enraged!!! How low can the UPA stoop?? This is pathetic!!! Ever since that a$$&$£$%^ of a guy Arjun Singh became the HRD minister he has been wrecking havoc to an esteemed institution called Kendriya Vidyalaya my almamater, and so would it be for numerous others throughout India and the World.
Talking about all his illogical and disgraceful decisions would require more than a blog and lots of time. I could as well write a novel about it. But this time its quite outrageous. I am sure everyother Kendriya Vidyalayaite like me would have been proud of our Logo, Song, Motto and every other thing attached to this institution. Why the hell are these politicians hell bent on tarnishing and changing this unique culture of ours???
So what if the logo contains a Lotus, does this make any of students or staff of these schools a BJP spokes person??? Lotus is our nation flower Goddamitt!!! Why dont you change that as well and change it to some flower that is unique only in Italy!!! I am sure you would stoop to any level to please your masters at 10 Janpath!!! Ever since the UPA government has come to power they have divided and continued to divide people based on religion, caste etc etc... They even replaced that Indian Map that appeared on numerous Rs 2 coins with something that looks like a Cross!!!! Before 2009 I believe they would have changed whatever had anything to do with India and we might no longer feel proud to call ourselves Indian.
I leave you all with this favourite song of mine to ponder on what we have done to this wonderful nation of ours by electing such an awful and disgracefule Government and what must be our responsibility in ensuring that we dont lose something that dear to all of us.
that sonovabitch is goinna die a horrible death!
The SOAB(!)called HRDM is a rank sychophant singing Italian lullabies to please Mademoiselle.First he in one stroke cancelled the appointment of 347 KV principals(including the commentator's)appointed during 2002onwards citig some silly irregularities that didn't exist!He ordered all of us to report back in our own schools as PGTs!We had to challenge it in various high courts as well as the Supreme court.In one its landmark judgements in the case (after staying the implementation of the impuned order) the calcutta High court made the following obsrevation:The cancellation of the appointment of these principals based on non -existing rules shows the 'administrative high-handedness'of the central govt.The shameless SOAB was forced withdraw the order after dilli-dallying for over 3 years!Now he's turned his dirty attension towards the emblem which was designed over 35 odd years back during congress regime!The SOAB will bite dust once again if any of the KV alumni or staff moves a PIL on the issue.They may change even the "tatwam pushan...." and introduce some Qoranic Urdu couplet!So much for the secularism.GOD SAVE THE COUNTRY FROM THESE THUGS.
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